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Impact of COVID-19 on Apparel industry

“The world will not be the same after COVID-19. For the Apparel industry is very important to recover the trust of consumer. Only through sanitizing, brands will be able to speed up regaining consumers’ trust, guaranteeing the fast recovery of our industry.”. Brands facing pile up of inventory as stores are shut down due to corona virus. The timeline from design to delivery in fast fashion has been very significantly compressed, so there’s not a lot of extra time that if there’s a delay of some sort. Designers could work on designs and innovate within the constraints of the present scenario with both empathy and sympathy for both craftspeople and consumers. Major problems in apparel industry are:

  •  Supply chain disruption: The Garment manufacturers need to look at local sourcing opportunities, due impact on imports and export.
  • Asia is key for garment manufacturing and many jobs in the region will be at risk, potentially causing social problems in countries like Bangladesh, India , Cambodia and China that are dependent on the export economy.
  • That brands withdraw the decision to cancel the running orders while abandoning the inhuman approach to deal with the billions of workers.

I “Online and sustainability are two dimensions that will last beyond the pandemic”

 “The present interruption has given us the opportunity to reflect, rethink and recalibrate both our lifestyle and work.” This pause should ideally be promoted as incubation period where self-sustaining communities and designers encourage sustainable fashion rather than fast fashion.The short supply chains of sustainable fashion, rooted around minimization of carbon dioxide and local production, allow for more control when compared to massive fashion brands. However, the common problem will be with producing the right quantities of stock and forecasting demand after the pandemic. Designers believe what will definitely survive these tough times is the clothing range that falls under the range of sustainable and classic fashion. Since customers might not have extra cash at their disposal, they will be compelled to shop more for items that last longer, clothes that they can reuse and those that become classics in the wardrobe.

In a turbulent period when digital is rewriting the rules of the fashion industry, Prada is finding itself on the back  on the track The luxury brand’s fashion items will be sold via online.A new range of textiles, clothes and crafted products could pave the future and in sync with the changing lifestyle. “Need is to build up synergies between craftspeople, weavers and designers, innovating within constraints working on an affordable range of clothing and products,” Designers feel that the business model needs to change because the world will probably change after the pandemic gets over. One important lesson learned is that the true wealth of a nation is its people and their well being is instrumental in the growth and development of the country. 
